I'm in NEW MUSICAL WORLD PREMIERE! The Neighborhood!

The Neighborhood is a new musical created from the stories of Dreamcatcher’s resident ensemble. It takes a loving and sometimes hilarious look at the way we live among the people around us who are not quite strangers, but also not quite friends. Dreamcatcher’s artistic director, Laura Ekstrand, wrote the book & lyrics; Joseph Zawila wrote the music.
Who ARE those people, anyway? This frank and funny evening of vignettes, monologues and songs will strike a chord with everyone who has wondered how much we really know about our neighbors, and how much we really want to know about them. These are the people we see every day on the train while commuting to work, the people next door whose dog drives us crazy, the people we wave at from a distance, and the people who cross the line from neighbor to friend by allowing us into their lives when it matters most.